UFC 197 Jones vs. Saint Preux AND Golovkin GGG vs. Wade

Watch “Sports-agedon” at The Ogden! Two HUGE fights from the UFC and HBO Boxing. Plus Chicago Blackhawks game 6 just blocks away at the United Center. Secure a table and or entrance for the big night.
If there are any overlaps in the three events we will follow the following priority list for audio:
#1 priority for audio will go to the Blackhawks game 6 vs. The Blues
#2 priority for audio will go to the main event of the UFC PPV John Jones vs. Saint Preux
#3 priority for audio will go to the GGG vs. Wade fight
We anticipate the main events for the fights to both go off at different times. We also anticipate an early Blackhawks game around 7pm which will most likely end before either of the main events start. We do not anticipate playing sound for the undercard fights in either the UFC or Boxing events.

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